Conspirator пишет:Очень не понравилось, что у обоих каналов "земля" общая.
Isolated Inputs A,B, C and D (Vertical)
Number of Channels
Fluke 190-xx2.................................................... 2 (A, B)
Fluke 190-xx4 ..............................................4 (A,B,C,D)
Polarity....................................................Normal, Inverted
Может, тут собака порылась? :
Meter Measurements for Fluke 190-xx4 :
Four of the Automatic Scope Measurements as defined
above may be displayed at the same time, using larger
screen area for convenient reading, suppressing the scope
waveform information. For specifications see Automatic
scope Measurements above.
А это из сервис мануала:
- The 60, 100, 200 MHz channels are isolated and rated 1000 V CAT III, 600 V CAT IV.
Isolation is achieved by separate power supplies for each channel and data transfer via
opto-couplers. The 60, 100 and 200 MHz scope channels are identical.
The 500 MHz channels are also isolated, but have a different circuitry to obtain the
higher performance required (CAT rating is lower). In the models with 2 scope inputs
two scope inputs are replaced by a meter channel.
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